How to Use GoDaddy’s Website Builder SEO Tool

GoDaddy Guide Darlene gives a step-by-step tutorial about how to use your Website Builder dashboard to help you rank higher on Google.

In this video, we show you:
- How to optimize your web pages with the perfect keywords and descriptions
- The tools available to you that can help your website be even stronger

0:00 Using GoDaddy's SEO tool
0:39 Where are your customers located?
0:50 Describing your page
1:10 Selecting top phrases that describe your page
1:30 Selecting a page title
1:53 Writing a page description
2:13 Writing a page headline
2:27 Adding keywords
2:40 Reviewing your changes

As the company empowering everyday entrepreneurs around the world, GoDaddy gives you all the help and tools you need to grow online.

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