This talk continues Starting fresh on WordPress, Part 1 . Both presentations suggest best practices for setting up WordPress and Gutenberg, including customizing settings, adding themes and adding plugins.
Part 2 includes a refresher of some Part 1 topics, then moving on to examine several kinds of plugins:
- blocks
- forms
- security
- backup
- eCommerce
- video
- pixels
- codes
At the end of the session, you will have a better understanding of how to get started with WordPress -- and how to avoid fundamental pitfalls.
View this video and others on WordPress.TV:
Part 2 includes a refresher of some Part 1 topics, then moving on to examine several kinds of plugins:
- blocks
- forms
- security
- backup
- eCommerce
- video
- pixels
- codes
At the end of the session, you will have a better understanding of how to get started with WordPress -- and how to avoid fundamental pitfalls.
View this video and others on WordPress.TV:

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