How To Change All Your Wordpress URLs

Changing all the URLs in your WordPress database using the Better Search Replace plugin

First, make a backup of your database. This way, you can easily replace your old data if something goes wrong.

Then, download the “better search replace” plugin in your website’s panel. Navigate to plugins, and select, “add new.”

Afterwards, find the “better search replace” plugin and click, “install now.”

Once installed, press the “activate” button.

In your panel, navigate to the plugin under tools called, “better search replace.”

Click the “search replace” tab. In the first field titled, “search for,” enter your current URL. For example: https slash

In the second field titled “replace with,” enter your new URL. Then select all tables

You probably want to leave “replace G.U.I.D.S” unchecked. View the article listed in the description box below for further details.

Verify the box titled “run as dry run,” is checked. If not, make sure to check it.

Click, “run search replace.”

You should see a message at the top, notifying you of what would have been updated if you did not check the “dry run” box.

If everything looks good, “run search replace” again with the “run as dry run box” unchecked.

A confirmation will display notifying you of how many changes were made. Congratulations, now all the URLs in your database, point to the new URL name.
how to change all your site urls, how to change my website handles, how do i change my wordpress urls
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