WordPress Anchor Links in the Visual Editor

In this video, we'll show you how to add WordPress anchor links using the Visual Editor. These links will let your readers easily navigate articles and find the content they want fast, all while staying on your page.

00:00 Intro
00:33 Add HTML Anchor to Heading Block
01:41 Create Links to Your Anchor
02:23 Using Anchor Links
03:00 Common Problems
03:44 Closing Remarks
04:00 Outro

► To learn more see our article on WordPress Anchor Links: https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/edu/wordpress/gutenberg/add-anchor-links-with-gutenberg-wordpress/

► You can also find more helpful guides by going to our WordPress Tutorials page: https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/edu/wordpress/

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