Death to Slide Decks: Why Your Next Presentation Needs to be a Webpage

Slide decks, slideshows, and PowerPoints are tied to a time when content was static and contained in finite pages. We navigated through content by moving from slide to slide, page to page. We had to turn the page or hit ‘next. But now we have websites and digital media. So not only has content evolved drastically, but so has the way that we can interact with this content on a screen. Webpage presentations fit in with today’s visual culture. Today we can present content in a way that matches how we naturally view and experience the world.

This presentation has three parts: when, why, and how. We’ll look at the history of visual storytelling to understand why it’s time for a change. Then, I’ll discuss how to build webpage presentations using page builders, WordPress and other tools.
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2023, Atlanta, WordCampTV
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