Learn How Zapier Uses Mailgun To Send Emails

If you’re currently sending emails to help engage and grow your product user base, you’ll want to join us for this interactive hangout. Joe Stych, Marketer at Zapier, will be providing tips on how they’re overcoming challenges they face when deciding how, when, to whom and what they’re going to email to their users. In this hangout, he’ll cover:

• How Zapier is using Django Drip for their marketing emails (Django Drip is an open source drip engine the Zapier engineering team built and is the framework behind their emails.)

• How Zapier has set up and manages their event based transactional emails

• Best email practices Zapier abides by 

Make sure to register and submit your questions prior to the event.

Want to submit your questions on social networks? No problem. Make sure to use #mailgunhangouts.
#hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa
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