From Vulnerable to Viable: Enhancing Your WordPress Security Posture

Ben’s presentation is an essential guide for anyone operating in the digital realm of WordPress, offering a deep dive into the world WordPress security and malware.

He’ll start by shedding light on common security risks, including prevalent forms of malware and recent trends within the threat landscape. Ben will be sure to focus on actionable solutions and practical measures that website owners can take to enhance their WordPress security posture. Ben will detail both fundamental precautions and advanced measures, each aimed at transforming your site from an easy target to a digital fortress.

Join us as we take a look at the world of WordPress security and discuss practical, implementable strategies that will help you build a resilient WordPress site in an ever-evolving threat landscape. Whether you’re a WordPress beginner or an experienced developer, you’ll come away with valuable insights and tools to protect your site against the sophisticated malware threats of today and tomorrow.
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2023, Vancouver, WordCampTV
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