2015 Joomla World Conference in Bangalore, India. November 6-8.
Friday 10:30 - 11:15 - ARC Room
Amol Patil speaks about the Joomla CMS.
This session will give the attendees a quick introduction of Joomla, extensions and dive into the various possibilities of what all you can build using Joomla. As we love to say, you can practically do anything with Joomla you just need to know how. We’ll dive into some real world cases as well and show what alls possible without any coding and what all you can do with some coding.
Note: There was a problem with the recorder during this session so we have pulled the footage from the camera. Because of this, you cannot always see the slides during the presentation. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
NOTE: Apologies to several of our video sponsors. For some reason they did not get added to the video credits. Special thanks goes out to:
OS Training - https://www.ostraining.com
CleanTalk - https://cleantalk.org
CMS Plugin - http://www.cmsplugin.com
4Web Inc - http://4webinc.com
Joomla Shine - http://www.joomlashine.com
OpenSource Solutions - http://www.opensourcesolutions.es
Friday 10:30 - 11:15 - ARC Room
Amol Patil speaks about the Joomla CMS.
This session will give the attendees a quick introduction of Joomla, extensions and dive into the various possibilities of what all you can build using Joomla. As we love to say, you can practically do anything with Joomla you just need to know how. We’ll dive into some real world cases as well and show what alls possible without any coding and what all you can do with some coding.
Note: There was a problem with the recorder during this session so we have pulled the footage from the camera. Because of this, you cannot always see the slides during the presentation. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
NOTE: Apologies to several of our video sponsors. For some reason they did not get added to the video credits. Special thanks goes out to:
OS Training - https://www.ostraining.com
CleanTalk - https://cleantalk.org
CMS Plugin - http://www.cmsplugin.com
4Web Inc - http://4webinc.com
Joomla Shine - http://www.joomlashine.com
OpenSource Solutions - http://www.opensourcesolutions.es

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