Homepage Hero | Ruth Douglas | Masterclass

How to be a Homepage Hero! How a simple layout change could double your sales and help you go full time in your side hustle! Ruth will show you how to increase your sales, so you can leave your job and take your side hustle full time. She will share with you the simple concepts that you can apply to your website so that it’s set up for sales.

Homepage design and layout are vital for your business as they have a direct impact on your sales. The right homepage design could double your sales, no matter if you have an e-commerce site, or any other type of business. These simple tips will give you an understanding on how to create the right homepage for your business and generate sales. If you are just starting out your business, watch this masterclass and learn homepage best practices.

About Ruth Douglas:
Ruth Douglas is a marketing consultant and coach that helps people take their businesses online and grow their sales. She’s expert at creating marketing stories that showcase what makes a business special and connect with customers. Her experience in multiple sectors including charity fundraising, leisure and tourism and the adult industry (toys) means that her clients benefit from a breadth of experience and depth of knowledge that helps them stand out in what are often crowded marketplaces. Ruth lives in Devon with a daughter and two cats - no-one is sure who is really in charge, but we suspect it’s the cats!

About Namecheap's Expert Summit 2021
homepage, ecommerce, small business
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