The three things all web professionals need to know about privacy

Web professionals play a crucial role in building websites that not only perform effectively but also adhere to ethical and legal standards, especially regarding privacy. This presentation aims to equip web professionals with a comprehensive understanding of privacy-related topics so they can guide their clients effectively. We will explore three key subtopics:

1. The Significance of Privacy in Web Development

- Discuss the evolving landscape of privacy concerns on the internet.

- Explore the ethical and legal implications of collecting personal information on websites.

- Highlight the importance of building trust with users through privacy-conscious practices.

2. Necessity of Privacy Policies

- Explain why most websites collecting Personal Information (PI) require a Privacy Policy.

- Explore the elements and best practices for creating an effective Privacy Policy.

- Provide insights into staying compliant with various privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA).

3. Web Professionals as Privacy Advocates

- Empower web professionals to proactively address privacy concerns with their clients.

- Discuss strategies for integrating privacy considerations into web development projects.

- Share resources and tools to help web professionals stay up-to-date with evolving privacy regulations.

By delving into these subtopics, this presentation will enable web professionals to not only answer their clients’ questions about the necessity of a Privacy Policy but also become advocates for privacy and data protection in the digital realm.
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2023, Livestream, Montreal (Montréal)
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