Empowering Afghan Women Through Coding: Challenges and Opportunities

Afghanistan has one of the lowest rates of female participation in the workforce and education, which is further exacerbated by the recent Taliban takeover. The Taliban have prohibited most girls from attending secondary school, banned all women from attending and teaching at universities, and prevented women from working. Afghan women are left with limited options for economic and personal growth. However, technology and coding skills can be a game-changer for women who want to access job opportunities and contribute to their country’s development. In this talk, the speaker will discuss the challenges and opportunities of teaching Afghan women how to code, based on her experience working with a nonprofit organization that provides coding courses and mentorship to women. This talk will highlight the cultural and social barriers that women face in pursuing coding education, such as lack of access to computers, the internet, and safe learning environments, and the additional challenges posed by Taliban restrictions. This talk will also showcase the benefits of coding education for women, including increased confidence, financial independence, and community impact. The goal of this talk is to inspire and encourage more educators and tech professionals to join the mission of empowering Afghan women through coding.
View this video and others on WordPress.TV: https://wordpress.tv/2023/10/02/empowering-afghan-women-through-coding-challenges-and-opportunities/
2023, Montclair, WordCampTV
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