Dreamhost vs Bluehost - TOP 5 Differences Between Them

When it comes to Dreamhost vs Bluehost the differences between them might not be obvious, but let me assure you they exist!
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While you might think that both Bluehost and Dreamhost are quite similar since they offer web hosting and the prices are in the same range, they're actually best fitted for 2 very different types of users.

In this Dreamhost vs Bluehost comparison, I went ahead and documented what I believe to be the biggest differences between these two web hosting companies and who should choose which web hosting brand based on their needs.

#1 Limitations

It's a common tactic for web hosting companies to advertise limitless or unlimited service and have some sort of a fail-safe or hard cap in place to protect themselves. Dreamhost and Bluehost are no exceptions.

While both providers say they offer 50GB of storage space for your website. This isn't the only storage unit. There's also a storage unit called an "Inode". For example, if you have created an email box every letter in that box would take up an Inode, every file you upload takes up an Inode. Bluehost has a limit for 50k Inodes, while Dreamhost doesn't have any limits.

#2 Email Accounts

Email accounts that use your domain name like info@emit.reviews are MUCH more professional. But how do you get an email like that? Well, using Bluehost you can register anywhere from 5 to 100 emails (based on plan) completely free and enjoy your professional-looking business accounts.

However, DreamHost charges an extra $1.67 for each email box that you need. So it can get quite expensive, quite fast.

In this Dreamhost vs Bluehost battle, the point goes to Bluehost.

#3 Website Uptime

When you host your website on DreamHost or Bluehost downtime is going to happen. There's no way to avoid it since servers fail, there's electricity outages and scheduled maintenance work - so our website will go offline at some point.

The difference is how do different web hosting companies handle and minimize this downtime? Well, Bluehost doesn't make any promises your website can be offline for 16 hours in a row and they won't really compensate you.

However, Dreamhost promises to give you free hosting time for free if your website goes offline and it's their fault.

#4 Website Staging

Continuing this Bluehost vs Dreamhost comparison there's a special feature that Bluehost offers that Dreamhost doesn't. And that's website staging. Bluehost allows you to create a copy of your website that the users can't see. You can test various changes on this copy.

Dreamhost sadly doesn't have such features.

#5 Support

Finally when it comes to support Bluehost again has the upper hand at least in terms of responsiveness. Bluehost offers 3 types of support Phone / Chat and Email. All 3 of these are 24/7

On the other hand, DreamHost only offers Chat and Email support. And to make matters worse, their chat support isn't 27/7


So which one to choose? DreamHost or BlueHost? Choose based on what you need

Bluehost - They offer a lot of free features like website staging and emails together with responsive support. Obviously best fitted for beginners that still want to experiment and need a bit of a safety net

DreamHost - The performance is better and I mean WAY better than Bluehost. But for all of the features you might need when starting out, you will have to pay extra. So, I would say choose DreamHost if you already have the features from somewhere else and just need a fast and reliable site.

00:00 - Intro
00:18 - Wait, There's Limits?
01:32 - Email Hosting Differences
02:39 - How Often Does It Crash?
03:42 - Best Free Feature
04:18 - Can You Expect Help?


I am affiliated, but not sponsored by any hosting provider. This means I might make money when you purchase hosting services through the links provided and I might be able to offer discounts when available. All of my opinions on this channel are always mine!

#DreamHostVSBluehost #bluehostVSdreamhost
bluehost vs dreamhost, dreamhost vs bluehost, bluehost vs dreamhost web hosting
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