Bluehost vs Hostgator - What Are The REAL Differences?

Bluehost vs HostGator, which one is better or more importantly which one is better for your web hosting needs? Well, I did all of the testing so you can find out exactly that!
► Bluehost 65% OFF -
► HostGator 60% OFF -
When it comes to Bluehost vs Hostgator which provider should you choose? They seem pretty similar on paper, offering almost the same pricing models, features and support. But is there a hidden catch anywhere? Since both of them are able to exist on the market one of them has to be better than the other, right? Well, that’s what I’ll try to answer in my Bluehost vs Hostgator review.

00:00 - Intro
01:42 Pricing
03:46 - Performance
07:43 - Unique Advantages
09:35 - Recommendation

Bluehost charges a very small $0.20 premium for their plans. On average both Bluehost and Hostgator offer almost the exact same pricing models. Especially if you apply discounts since HostGator tends to offer larger discounts than Bluehost making their pricing more in-line.

The only true difference that I’ve noticed while preparing this Hostgator vs Bluehost review is the fact that Bluehost wants you to commit for a longer period of time with their plans. Offering 1,2 or 3-year pricing plans. While HostGator offers monthly plans and doesn’t require you to commit for so long.

In terms of features, both providers give you a free domain name and a free SSL certificate with their plans. As well as offering 1 click WordPress installation software.

► Bluehost 65% OFF -
► HostGator 60% OFF -

Even though Bluehost and Hostgator prices are similar, Hostgator performs just slightly better on average. At least, during my tests. Even though the difference is so small it could be written off as a marginal error.

While filming this HostGator vs Bluehost review I expected for Bluehost to be faster just because they seem to have a bit newer infrastructure in place. But during my speed test, HostGator showed to load a fully designed website in around 0.4 to 0.5 seconds faster than Bluehost.

While testing the stability of both web hosting providers HostGator also showed no performance issues during the whole week. While Bluehost had 1 really small outage of a couple of minutes.

And just to cover my bases when comparing Bluehost vs Hostgator I’ve also done a stress test and sent an army of bots to wreak havoc on my site. But both web hosting providers proved to be resilient and didn’t buckle under pressure. So at least for low to moderate usage, you shouldn’t notice any slowdown.

There are some unique advantages that both web hosting providers have that might influence your buying decision. For example, Bluehost offers automatic updates for WordPress. That means you do not have to go ahead and update your WordPress plugins, themes, and core version manually. It’s a pretty neat time saver especially if you’re working on multiple websites at once.

Another unique advantage that Bluehost has is the fact that it offers website staging. So you don’t have to make updates on the fly and inconvenience your users. You can work on the staging environment and simply merge the 2 versions together once you’re ready to.

On the other hand, the only truly notable feature that HostGator has over Bluehost is the fact that they offer free website migration. So, if you have a project hosted somewhere else HostGator engineers will move that to your HostGator plan free of charge.

If you’re debating strictly between Bluehost or Hostgator I would recommend Bluehost 99% of the time. It gets more updates, the design is easier to navigate and it overall feels like a “newer” product.

While HostGator often creates frustration when using their services. Even though you’re sacrificing performance by using Bluehost, you shouldn’t be looking at Bluehost or Hostgator if you want the best possible performance because both providers are average at best when it comes to loading speed.

► Bluehost 65% OFF -
► HostGator 60% OFF -

I am affiliated, but not sponsored by any hosting provider. This means I might make money when you purchase hosting services through the links provided and I might be able to offer discounts when available. All of my opinions on this channel are always my own!
bluehost vs hostgator, hostgator vs bluehost, bluehost vs hostgator review
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