How to Create a Table in phpMyAdmin

In this video we will show you how to create a table within the phpMyAdmin tool in the cPanel.

First, you need to log into the cPanel interface as I’ve already done here.

Next, look for the Database category.

Next, locate and click on the phpMyAdmin tool icon.

Now that you are in the phpMyAdmin tool, cehck to the left hand sidebar and select your database.

If you have a single database, it will be listed up top here.

If you have more than one, you will see your cPanel username. Click on the + sign to expand and it will show you the list of all the databases you have on the account.

Find the database you want to work with and click on it.

OK, over to the right hand side, you will see the lisst of tables in the database.

Under the list you will see a section named “Create Table”

Go here and give your table a name.

Next, you need to know how many columns you want to start off with.

For our members table, we want columns like an ID column, first name, last name, email address, and password.

That is about the minimum you want to have for a members table.

Remember you can add more later if you decide to, so it’s not critical that you know exactly how many you will need.

Enter that number here and then click on the “Go” button over in the corner.

The next section, you get to name the columns, and give them attributes.

Once you are done, click on the Save button in the lower right corner.

This will save your table and you will now see it in the tables list.

That’s how you create a table in the phpMyAdmin tool in cPanel!

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cPanel, phpMyAdmin, create table
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