How to use Softaculous to Install WordPress on your cPanel Hosting Account

Using Softaculous to install WordPress is advantageous because it is quick, much easier, and gives you a few additional options that you wouldn’t have if you installed WordPress manually. These options include the ability to clone the site, make backups and update from a single location. If you are making multiple installations of WordPress, Softaculous helps you to track the different installations that you create.

*How to install WordPress using Softaculous*
Visit the online guide here:

First, log in to the cPanel for your Account

Scroll down to the icon labeled Softaculous. If you don’t see an option, you may see a section in the cPanel labeled Softaculous Apps Installer. You can click on the bar labeled note at the top of the window under the section labeled Softaculous Apps Installer.

This will bring you to a list of previous installations. Here you can click on the left hand menu to search for WordPress Installation option. You can also click on the Search field and then type in “WordPress”. Click on “WordPress” to open the WordPress installation page.

When you get to the WordPress install pages, click on the INSTALL tab

Here you will need to fill in fields:

*Software Setup*

Choose Protocol - select HTTP or HTTPS

Choose Domain - select the domain that you will use for your WordPress installation. This domain must be part of the account or added an add-on or subdomain in order to be selected

In Directory - this is the folder where your folders will be placed; the folder should not exist. If you are wanting to place the files in the default primary domain location, then leave this section blank

*Site Settings*
Site Name - name of the blog
Site Description - Description of the blog

Enable Multisite (WPMU) - check to enable multisite

*Admin Account*
Admin Username - type in the name of the admin username
Admin Password - type in the password for your administrator user
Admin Email - type in an email address that you can access for your administrator user
Choose Language
Select Language - English is set as the default

*Select Plugins*

Limit Login Attempts - click on the box to enable the Limit Login Attempts plugin; as the name implies, activating this plugin will limit the number of login attempts for your WordPress installation

*Advanced Options* - advanced options allow you set
Database Name - this will be the name of the database
Disable Update Notifications
Auto Upgrade
Auto Upgrade WordPress Plugins
Auto Upgrade WordPress Themes
Automated backups
Backup rotation

When the fields are complete, click on the SUBMIT button to complete the installation.

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#InstallWordPress #Softaculous #cPanel
InMotion Hosting
How to use Softaculous to install WordPress, How to install WordPress with Softaculous, Using Softaculous to install WordPress
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