The secret life of Fonts

The topic would cover typography in detail and explore the impact of various fonts on our culture. Typography is one of the essential topics for making human-centered designs and products. The keynote would cover the absolute basics of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and its connection to typography & proper usage of fonts.

The session would beginner-friendly session on making the best use of typography that emphasizes making human-centered designs. He wants to show some examples of thoughtful and iconic typography throughout the last few decades and how typography impacts user perception. On the whole, the topic would emphasize choosing proper typography to make better human-centered designs for WordPress and the community.

He believes this session can benefit all WordPress users, including developers, designers, and anyone using WordPress. This session will give the audience an idea about the basics of human-centric designs and typography.

He wants to start with some lousy typography implementations that we frequently encounter to make the session more interactive.
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2022, Kathmandu (काठमाडौँ), WordCampTV
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