Using Your Domain for Your Business

GoDaddy Guides Darlene and Emily share some solid tips for choosing your domain name and the different ways you can put your domain name to use right away.

In this video, we’ll dive into:
- A few easy tips for picking a domain name
- What to do after you register your domain name

You know, I'm not sure if everyone realizes
The first way to use your domain name is for your website.
It's the main reason most people come to us.
Your domain name is the cornerstone
of your online presence and your website
is it's primary hub.
Next use your domain to create
a custom email address for your business.
Why use a generic free email address when you can have
a professional looking domain-based email like a boss.
Think about it. Do you really want to share the email
address ''
with your next serious prospect?
Too busy to build a website? Or find someone to do it
for you? Consider a third way to use your domain:
Forwarding. Domain forwarding is when someone types a domain name
into the web browser and then is sent or forwarded
to somewhere else on the web.

For example, if you have a Facebook business page,
or an Instagram account, you can use your domain to forward
visitors to that page right now.
And when your website's up, you can turn that off.
With domain forwarding in place, anybody who types
a domain name into the browser will arrive to a site
that's already up and running,
rather than a site that says, 'under construction'.
But wait, there's more. If you want to supercharge
your online presence, you could and should
also use your domain name minus the extension

A handle is just cool kid speak for username
on a social media platform. So,
the handle's the part that comes after the '@' sign.
So for example, you can find us '@godaddy'
on most social media platforms.
Just like your domain, a social media handle
is a way for your customers to find your business online
and communicate with you.

Consistently using the same social media handles
across all platforms, builds brand recognition,
and makes you look like a social media star.
To see if your domain is available
as a social media handle, hit up ''.

And there you have it. All the power
and potential for your domain.

Don't let it collect dust, put it to use.

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