What Is User Interface (UI)?

User interfaces (UIs) are what allow us to interact with and navigate through our favorite programs and devices. Every time you click a button on a website or swipe to a different screen, you're engaging with UI.

Having a good UI is critical to a technology's success. Most people wouldn't stick with an app or device if it were clumsy or awkward to use. That's why UI design is so important and often tied into UX (user experience).

In the video above, we'll dive deeper into UIs and UI design. You'll learn about some common examples of UIs, the difference between good and bad UIs, and how qualities like responsiveness and consistency play a role in keeping users happy.

Want to learn more about UI Design? Check out the courses and content below.

What Is User Interface Design?: https://bit.ly/3PtoP4e
Introduction to UI and UX Design: https://bit.ly/3QLNkul
Everything You Need To Know To Kickstart A Career In UI/UX: https://bit.ly/3R4Arfl

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what is user interface design, ui design, ui designer
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