Turbocharge your application workloads with Amazon ElastiCache - AWS Online Tech Talks

Amazon ElastiCache can dramatically improve performance of your data-driven application workloads by storing data in-memory, reducing pressure on your backend database and enabling higher application scalability.

Learning Objectives:
* Objective 1: Learn how to create and connect to a cluster.
* Objective 2: Learn how to run a benchmark on your cluster.
* Objective 3: Understand how ElastiCache can dramatically boost performance of data-driven applications.

***To learn more about the services featured in this talk, please visit: https://aws.amazon.com/developer/?developer-center-activities-cards.sort-by=item.additionalFields.startDateTime&developer-center-activities-cards.sort-order=asc Subscribe to AWS Online Tech Talks On AWS:

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AWS Developers
AWS cloud, Boot cloud performance, Clound computing
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