Bluehost Review - Top 5 Things You MUST Know About Bluehost!

Looking for an honest bluehost review? You my dude are in the right place! In this Bluehost Review I'll talk about the top 5 things you need to know :)
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The only honest Bluehost review you'll find on YouTube :P Free of any botted comments or fake views. An honest look at what you can expect from the most well known and advertised web hosting provider comming right up in this bluehost review for 2020.

Time Table

00:00 - Intro
0:33 - No Monthly Plans
01:44 - Beginner Friendly
02:54 - WordPress Optimized
03:20 - Lackluster Performance
04:30 - Free Stuff
05:10 - Recommendation

No Monthly Plans

What most Bluehost reviews never tell you is that Bluehost doesn't even offer monthly plan even tho they advertise them quite heavilly. They only have 1 year, 2 year or 3 year plans and you will need to pay for the plan upfront. So, be prepared to fork up some cash right away.

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Beginner Friendly

Bluehost didn't built its reputation by being a bad service. They invest a lot of resources into making their platform friendly to beginners. They add extra features, they make complicated stuff easy and they focus on bringing an easy to use experience to all of their users. As this Bluehost review showcases the panel is easy to understand and navigate and the extra features makes it a good choice for beginners.

WordPress Optimized

Bluehost is 1 of the 3 web hosting providers that's officially recommended by WordPress? Does that mean anything? Absolutely not, all of those spots are absolutely paid and bought for. But it does mean that Bluehost has to keep up with some WordPress standards to fit the narrative. So, they offer a lot of WordPres specific features like 1 click installs, auto updates, staging environments, and extra functionality with Google. As my Bluehost review showcases they have more than enough features to run a successful WordPress website in 2020.

Lackluster Performance

I can't really do a Bluehost review without talking about their performance. Which isn't great. Bluehost is amongst the slowest major brands in web hosting and it's a well known fact. Unless you're watching a fake bluehost review... where they just promote it to get your money.

I actually did some performance tests in my Bluehost review and they weren't all that great. Bluehost is around 2 times slower than the industry standard, but that's NOT a major deal for beginner websites. It's like measuring a cars top speed, when you're only going to go 60km/h at best. It's still fine for beginner projects and that's what Bluehost is aiming at.

Free Stuff

In this Bluehost review I've focused on what makes Bluehost cheap and desirable and part of that is the free stuff that they offer with every single plan. These include an SSL certificate to encrypt your website and a domain name that's free for the 1st year. Tho keep in mind that after the 1st year it will renew at a bit higher cost.


To wrap up this Bluehost review here's what I think. Bluehost is a cheap, well rounded, feature rich provider, with average performance. For beginners it's going to be a no-brainer. Extra features, free stuff, easy to use control panel. You'll basically have a website on auto-pilot. Is it going to be the fastest? No.. But it's going to do the job. So this was my review of Bluehost in 2020. Goodluck creating your websites!

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This video is about a bluehost review -

I am affiliated, but not sponsored by any hosting provider. This means I might make money when you purchase hosting services through the links provided and I might be able to offer discounts when available. All of my opinions on this channel are always mine!

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