Free SSL Certificate FOR LIFE in 2020 - Cloudflare SSL

In this video I'll show you how to get a free SSL certificate for any web hosting provider. This will make your website connection fully encrypted!
► Hostinger 90% OFF ➜
► Use code "EMITREVIEWS"
► CA Bundle ➜
Scroll down and click on "Cloudflare Origin CA — RSA Root"

This video will focus on how to get a free SSL certificate for GoDaddy, Hostinger or other web hosting providers using Cloudflare. I'll show you how to get and install the Cloudflare flexible SSL and the Cloudflare full SSL. Everything is completely free and works for a lifetime.


00:00 - Intro
00:21 - Free Cloudflare Flexible SSL
01:17 - Updating NameServers
01:44 - Activating Cloudflare Flexible SSL
03:26 - Free Cloudflare Full SSL
04:10 - Activating Cloudflare Full SSL
05:12 - Free SSL For Hostinger
05:51 - Free SSL For cPanel
06:11 - Fixing Errors

Free Cloudflare Flexible SSL

This method will give you a free SSL certificate, but it won't be an end to end encryption. This means your users will see a green lock when they visit your site and your connection will be encrypted between then user and cloudflare, not your server. So while it's a free SSL solution watch till the end to encrypt your website fully!

If you're in a rush, this encryption method is fine and you can always change it to full encryption later. To get a free Cloudflare flexible SSL you'll need to:

1. Create an account with Cloudflare (
2. During account creation type in the name of your website which is not secure yet.
3. Choose the free plan and wait for everything to update.
4. Navigate to your web hosting provider, for this free ssl tutorial I've used Hostinger.
5. Update the nameservers of your domain name, to the ones that Cloudflare provided.
6. Install 2 WordPress plugins called (Flexible Cloudflare SSL and Really Simple SSL)
7. Click "Go ahead and activate SSL" in WordPress.

That's it now you have a free cloudflare flexible SSL!

Cloudflare Full SSL Encryption For Free

However, if you want to encrypt the information between the user and your server, not just Cloudflare you'll need to install what's called a Full Free SSL. Here's what you need to do.

1. Go into your Cloudflare account, click on SSL/TLS tab and change the encryption from "Flexible" to "Full".
2. Click on "Origin Server" and click "Create Certificate" then click "Next"
3. Copy and paste the certificate information in the SSL/TLS tab of your web hostinger provider (I've used cPanel and Hostinger in the video).
4. Visit to find the CA bundle.
5. And simply click on "Install" everything will be working within a couple of minutes.

When installing your free ssl certificate for GoDaddy or Hostinger or other web hosting providers make sure to give some time before everything starts working. Your website might show an error, but actually everything is working correctly. You can check if you did everything correctly by using an Incognito tab.

But now you know how to get a free cloudflare full ssl certificate and a free cloudflare flexible ssl certificate. Good luck managing your websites with a free ssl in 2020!

I am affiliated, but not sponsored by any hosting provider. This means I might make money when you purchase hosting services through the links provided and I might be able to offer discounts when available. All of my opinions on this channel are always my own!

#FreeSSLGoDaddy #FreeSSLHostinger #FreeSSLCloudflare
free ssl, free ssl for wordpress, free ssl godaddy
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