#Javascript #string #slice
// slice() extracts a section of a string
// and returns it as a new string,
// without modifying the original string
let fullName = "Snoop Dogg";
let firstName;
let lastName;
//firstName = fullName.slice(0, 3);
//lastName = fullName.slice(4);
firstName = fullName.slice(0, fullName.indexOf(" "));
lastName = fullName.slice(fullName.indexOf(" ") + 1);
// slice() extracts a section of a string
// and returns it as a new string,
// without modifying the original string
let fullName = "Snoop Dogg";
let firstName;
let lastName;
//firstName = fullName.slice(0, 3);
//lastName = fullName.slice(4);
firstName = fullName.slice(0, fullName.indexOf(" "));
lastName = fullName.slice(fullName.indexOf(" ") + 1);
- Category
- Bro Code

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