Don’t Break the Internet: No Code End-to-End Testing

In today’s fast changing digital terrain, software testing has emerged as a critical aspect of ensuring a consistent user experience. This holds even more true within the WordPress ecosystem since many websites rely on an intricate mix of third party plugins, themes, and custom code. This makes it crucial to validate a website’s performance beyond unit and integration testing conducted by developers.

We will dive into why configuring basic smoke tests using end to end (E2E) testing is important even if you have no formal QA or developer experience.

Testing semantics aside, using no code automation testing tools, stakeholders with limited code knowledge can test critical website functionality, spot issues, and ensure a website is consistently performing as expected with certain limitations. This approach aligns seamlessly with the ethos of WordPress itself – democratizing the web and making it accessible to all.Presentation Slides »
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2023, Atlanta, WordCampTV
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