Dondy Bappedyanto - Biznet Gio Cloud Indonesia (APAC Meet & Greet Series)

Plesk takes the pulse of the Asian-Pacific hosting industry by discussing with SMB partners in the area. This episode features Dondy Bappedyanto is a CEO of PT Biznet Gio Nusantara.

The status, current trends and fierce challenges of the hosting industry, buyers' behavior changes and hosters' differentiation tactics are the main topics covered in this series of APAC Partners Meet&Greet.

Dondy Bappedyanto is a CEO of PT Biznet Gio Nusantara - He has over 15 years of experience, ranging from general management, product development, technical operations, and strategy.

Since 2008, Dondy has focused on Cloud Computing and the Hosting Industry in Indonesia. He is actively involved in the international evolution of the domain, being summoned to talk at key events in the industry.

Biznet Gio, the company Dondy is leading, has been hosting major core services in Indonesia and is designed to provide flexible infrastructure solutions supporting any business services from enterprise to startup level. Their ready-to-use cloud environment is operating on multi-data centers (in both West Java and Jakarta Data Centers) connected with multiple links between DC’s. In order to support customers’ business sustainability, Biznet Gio facilitates its services with unlimited network traffic (in and out). Each of the customers is covered by multiple upstream and multiple national peers (OpenIXP & IIX) on their cloud system, free of charge.

See the full video for Dondy's view on how SMBs fit in a space dominated by hyperscalers and what the best way to a satisfied customer is.
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