How to Export a Database in phpMyAdmin

In this video we will show you how to configure your WordPress after a migration.

This video assumes you have already created your new database and imported your WordPress database file.

You will need the credentials from the new WordPress database.

You can get them from the database category within the cPanel.

Log into your cPanel account.

Find the Databases category.

Click on the MySQL Databases icon

log into your cPanel account.

Click on File Manager located in the Files section of cPanel.

Choose web root and make sure to check show hidden files. Next, click Go.

In the right window pane of file manager, navigate to the folder to which you uploaded WordPress.

Find the file wp-config.php, right-click on it, and choose edit.

Once in the editor, look for the database information. It should be near the top just under the comments.

Note there are three variables to change: the database name, the database user, and the database user’s password.

Replace the existing ones with the information you got from the database section.

Save the file.

Now you should be able to visit your site and it should connect to your database.

Read more in our full guide:

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