VPN put simply | What is a VPN and how to choose the right VPN

We want to access global content no matter where we are. As we are constantly on the move we need to be safe and protected on public Wi-Fi, a better privacy and truly be able to browse anonymously and all of this on all our devices that access the internet.

The average internet user is constantly putting his data at risk. The data is at risk of being intercepted every time you are connected to public Wi-Fi. Public WiFi hotspots, such as coffee spots and airports, are very vulnerable to hackers who can easily set up fake but convincing hotspots.

In this video, FastVPN Product Manager, Mo Zadissa, is going to tell you about VPN basics. What is a VPN and how does a VPN work? What are the benefits of a VPN and why do you need a VPN? Why VPN protocols are important and how to choose the right VPN for you?

If you have never used a VPN before, this video is going to help you understand why you need to use a VPN and how a VPN can protect you while browsing online.

About FastVPN
FastVPN is a new VPN service by Namecheap enabling you to work securely and easily, on multiple devices, including Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android, with complete freedom. FastVPN is a virtual private network (VPN) for the remote working era. It lets you work from anywhere securely, shop and pay people safely, and reclaim your privacy rights from corporations.

To learn more about FastVPN visit https://www.namecheap.com/vpn/
vpn, what is vpn, fastvpn
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