How to Remove Spam from your WordPress site

One of the strengths of WordPress is its interaction with users. However, the interaction portion of WordPress can be abused by spammers. This is a problem often seen in comments. Spam in posts or pages within WordPress is called comment spam.

Spam can be managed within WordPress through plugins or the WordPress Admin interface options. It can also be directly removed through the database. We will be showing how to remove spam with a query in your WordPress database. This will require that you have access to your WordPress database and a database client that can run the query.

Caution: Make sure to approve comments that you want to keep and also make a backup of the WordPress site before applying any changes.


1. Login to the cPanel where your account database can be accessed

2. Launch phpMyAdmin (or your favorite database client)
3. Select the database assigned to your WordPress site
4. Click on the SQL tab
5. Type in the following query: delete from wp_comments where comment_approved='0';

6. Click on GO to execute the query

This will remove all of the unapproved comments within your WordPress database without using any plugins

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How to remove spam from your Wordpress, removing comment spam from your WordPress site, lean how to remove comment spam
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