Michael Schinzel, owner of IP-Projects, Germany, shares about his company's history of collaborating with Plesk. Check out his tips and tricks for those looking to obtain success on the hosting market.
Since 2007 IP-Projects is looking to become the contact for individual hosting services in the areas of server solutions, domain hosting and web hosting. The company's motto is 'only satisfied hosting customers are good customers'. Every customer receives an offer tailored precisely to their needs and has a say in the composition of his hosting solution at any time.
Since 2007 IP-Projects is looking to become the contact for individual hosting services in the areas of server solutions, domain hosting and web hosting. The company's motto is 'only satisfied hosting customers are good customers'. Every customer receives an offer tailored precisely to their needs and has a say in the composition of his hosting solution at any time.
- Category
- Plesk
- Tags
- website, management, tool

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