How to Import Email Addresses in cPanel

In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to use the cPanel "Address Importer" tool with a spreadsheet or a plain text file.

The Spreadsheet Method

1. Log into your cPanel
2. In the email section click on Address Importer
3. We're importing email addresses, which is already selected
4. In the next step you'll simply browser your computer for your Spreadsheet file
5. I'll show you an example of the form of the spreadsheet file. See you have three columns. Email address, password for the email address, and the mailbox quota measured in megabytes. You'll see I have assigned each address a quota of 10 megabytes. Of course make sure you are using a password more secure than the one you see here in the example.
6. Once you have selected the file Step 3 will emerge. For your delimiter you can leave the selection as Comma. For importing the spreadsheet leave the checkbox checked for "Treat first row as column headers."
7. Click **Next**
8. Here you'll see all the email addresses with the password and quota all scraped from our Spreadsheet.
9. Click **Finish**.
10. You will then see the confirmation sheet with nice green checks to indicate the import went successfully.
11. At this point you can import more or click Home at the bottom to go back.

The Plain Text Method

1. We're going to first jump back to the Address Importer interface
2. Let's also take a look at the text file we're going to be importing. You'll notice I have only three lines here. It's one email address per line. In this case the password for each is set as "Password" (which, again, is not a secure password). And the quota is set at 10 megabytes. You can set the quota to whatever you need, just remember it's measured in megabytes.
3. Browse for your file and select it.
4. This time we're going to uncheck "Treat first row as column headers" because this time around we're not using a spreadsheet and you don't have a header row, the first line in our text file in an email address.

Read our full guide on How to Import Email Accounts and Forwarders into cPanel

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Import Email Adresses, cPanel
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