Joomla World Conference 2017 in Rome, Italy on the 19th November 2017
The move to namespaces is one of the biggest changes in Joomla 4. I will explain our libraries backport and legacy forward approach, keeping full backwards compatibility. For example, an extension developer can keep the same code base for J3 and J4, running it on both systems. On a live demonstration, we will together migrate the core managed extension weblinks. We will go step by step through the required tasks to create the dispatcher and namespace the classes. At the end of the session you should get an understanding what an extension will look like in Joomla 4. Some usefule links:
The move to namespaces is one of the biggest changes in Joomla 4. I will explain our libraries backport and legacy forward approach, keeping full backwards compatibility. For example, an extension developer can keep the same code base for J3 and J4, running it on both systems. On a live demonstration, we will together migrate the core managed extension weblinks. We will go step by step through the required tasks to create the dispatcher and namespace the classes. At the end of the session you should get an understanding what an extension will look like in Joomla 4. Some usefule links:

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