Beating Procrastination | Prash Kotecha | Masterclass

Beating Procrastination & Boosting Productivity for entrepreneurs & small business owners. Prash will help you get more work done in less time, with minimal stress, and gain results along the way.

In this lesson you will find out how to overcome procrastination and become more productive in your work, your business or career. First, you need to define what you are procrastinating about the most and why that happens. There can be multiple reasons why you procrastinate. Sometimes you procrastinate because of the fear of failure, fear of judgement or even fear of success. Also, you will learn how to define your business goals and how to do the planning.

Prash will teach you how to concentrate on your work without distractions, how to prioritise and delegate work, and also how to reduce stress in your everyday work and life.

About Prash Kotecha:
Prash is an international Conscious Leadership & Wellbeing Expert, Coach and Speaker and CEO of Stress To Success. He brings 25+ years’ corporate, peak performance and wellbeing experience having worked with the likes of HSBC, Lloyds Banking Group and other global and local businesses and start-ups, reaching many tens of thousands of people globally through his events, retreats and podcast.

About Namecheap's Expert Summit 2021
procrastination, productivity, how to beat procrastination
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