Give Plugin Series - How to create your first form

After installing your Give donation plugin for WordPress you are now set to create your first form.

First, login to the dashboard and select the Donations option from the left hand sidebar.

Next, click on Add Form.

Name your form. Give it something meaningful as the name will display on the form once it is finished.

Set your different settings. For our example form we simply made it a set donation of $5.00 and left everything else at the default settings.

Publish your form to save it.

Now you can add the form into a post or page. You can either copy the shortcode from the form itself or use the dropdown list by clicking on Add Donation Form.

Once your page has been created, you may need to add it to your menu, depending on the menu settings. Simply edit the menu and add the new page.

Now your donation page will appear on your site! Congratulations on your first form!

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