15 things (you didn’t know) you can do with GraphQL in WordPress

You may already know that GraphQL can be used for building headless WordPress sites. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

GraphQL can be used for plenty of other things too, such as replacing the domain for site migrations, converting image URLs in the database when using a new CDN, sending emails when a comment is added, adding mandatory blocks to a new blog post, synchronizing content across sites, translating posts to another language, automating admin tasks, and more.

Join me to discover how GraphQL could be the single tool you need to interact with all of your WordPress data.Presentation Slides »
View this video and others on WordPress.TV: https://wordpress.tv/2023/10/01/15-things-you-didnt-know-you-can-do-with-graphql-in-wordpress/
2023, Kuala Lumpur, Presentation
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