SiteGround vs Bluehost - What Are THE REAL Differences?

In this SiteGround vs Bluehost video, I'll outline the biggest differences between these web hosting providers. To help you make the right choice!
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SiteGround and Bluehost are extremely different products. Even though both companies sell web hosting, they're best suited for completely different websites. So making the correct choice upfront will definitely save you time and money in the long run. That's why in this Siteground vs Bluehost review I'll try to cover what makes these companies different and why it's important.

Bluehost is a cheap, beginner-friendly web hosting provider that offers everything you need for a professional website in terms of features, but they use older/slower servers and hardware (that's why they're cheaper). This means that your website will load slower. Is this necessarily a bad thing? It depends on the type of website you're planning to host.

For example, if you're hosting a personal portfolio, a CV page or something lightweight, you probably won't even notice the difference in speed (and so will your customers). Try imagining your website at its peak, how many users are browsing? Maybe you only expect ~10-20 people per week so web hosting just needs to work. In this case, paying more for SiteGround wouldn't make much sense.

However, if you plan to open up an e-commerce store, news website, business website. Basically, anything that will have CONSTANT traffic. You absolutely need to invest in speed and stability. As even 1 lost sale or a handful of lost customers will make up for the difference in price.

In this SIteGround vs Bluehost, I mostly do speed and price comparisons. However, I have a review I did last year where I go a bit more in-depth.

To give you a short summary. There's is no going wrong with SiteGround, if you can afford it, it's going to be the best web hosting experience you can get. You can easily rest assured knowing that your website is pretty much as good as it's going to get in terms of web hosting.

Bluehost on the other hand is a provider that doesn't have a lot of the automatization that SiteGround has. So you'll need to put in more hours yourself to make your website as fast as it can be.

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I am affiliated, but not sponsored by any hosting provider. This means I might make money when you purchase hosting services through the links provided and I might be able to offer discounts when available. All of my opinions on this channel are always mine!

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