Rapid application development with FOF - Nicholas K Dionysopoulos

So, you're a Joomla! developer. I feel your pain. Are you tired of endless copying and pasting similar blocks of code in order to create the skeleton of a Joomla! component? Do you find yourself rewriting pretty much the same code to display the information of your component in a module? Wouldn't you love it if you could just create a few database tables and template layout files, then let Joomla! automatically use this as a component? Sounds like a pipe dream? Not quite. If you just said yes to most (or all) of the above, it's time to take a look at FOF.

FOF means Framework on Framework and, quite counter-intuitively, is not a real framework. It extends the Joomla! MVC and database classes to bring true RAD (Rapid Application Development) features, HMVC and a lot of other cool features to Joomla!. It's GPLv3 and can be used with Joomla! 1.5, 1.7, 2.5 and 3.0 at the same time. In fact, it's what powers all software built by AkeebaBackup.com. API stability and compatibility with pretty much every server Joomla! can run on is not just wishful thinking; it's reality! And since it merely extends the Joomla! core MVC infrastructure, you can use the Joomla! Platform framework you are already familiar with, without having to learn the ins and outs of a brand new framework.
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