How to add a favicon in WordPress 4.3

A favicon is the tiny icon that appears in the tab next to your domain name. It used to appear in the address bar next to your domain name, but it has been removed from that location for security reasons. The one exception is Microsoft Internet Explorer which still shows the favicon next to the address in the address bar. All the other browsers use the address bar to indicate different states of your website’s security.

How to Create a Favicon

In order to create favicon, you need to use a graphics program that can create a JPEG, GIF or PNG file that is at least 512 pixels by 512 pixels. Remember that this is supposed to be a quick loading and very tiny graphic that will be loaded in the tab of the browser. Keep it small and use only a few colors, as certain details will not always appear due to its size. You can also create a favicon by simply loading a graphic in WordPress and then cropping out just the part of the graphic.

How to Add a Site Favicon

It use to be only possible to add a favicon in WordPress either directly into the theme code, or by using a plug-in. However, in WordPress 4.3 (currently in beta at this time), the Site Icon feature has been added to the Customizer functions.

1. Login to the WordPress Administrator
2. Click on Appearance, then click on Customize
3. Click on Site Icon (same as Favicon)
4. By default, there is no Site Icon selected. It will say “No file
selected” so click on Select file in order to pick one.
5. If your file is part of a much larger image, you will have the option
to crop the area that you want to use for the site icon. Select the
area that will become your site icon

Read our full on How to add a Favicon in WordPress 4.3

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WordPress Favicons, how to add a favicon in wordpress 4.3, how to add a favicon
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