Shopify vs WooCommerce

Shopify and WooCommerce are two of the most best eCommerce platforms, and in this video you’ll find a Shopify vs WooCommerce comparison updated in 2025.
Will be adding discount links soon guys!
00:00 Intro
00:44 Shopify Pros & Cons
02:14 WooCommerce Pros & Cons
03:17 Outro

Shopify vs WooCommerce - Best Ecommerce Platform in 2025? transcript below:

Hello everyone Carson here and in today's video, I am going to be explaining to you the difference between Shopify and WooCommerce. And which platform is better for you. Now, if you're not familiar with Shopify, or WooCommerce, they're both e commerce platforms. What this means is you use them to sell products and create an online store for your website. Now, there are pros and cons of both. But I'm going to explain that in today's video and explain which one is probably best for you, depending on what you need. So let's get right into it. Before we do though, remember to leave, like subscribe and hit that notification bell to be notified every single time I upload. And now let's start. Now the first thing I want to cover is Shopify and the pros of that platform.

So one of the biggest pros of Shopify is I would say the ease of use, you know exactly how much you're going to be paying per month, let's say hosting comes with the plan, and everything is integrated, which means you're not going to be having to add any add ons or plugins or extra features. But it does come with access to 1000s of apps and hundreds of themes.

Drop Shipping is also very easy to do with Shopify, and it only takes a few minutes to actually launch a store on their platform. So you can think of Shopify as a very easy to use an intuitive platform for selling. But now we need to get into the cons of Shopify, one of the first ones being is you don't have as much control over your website, with Shopify. with WooCommerce, you have complete customization and control. But Shopify really doesn't give you access to that. It's a more mediated platform.

This leads into the next con, which is that customization is much better for other platforms, other platforms have access to customization, and more features that Shopify just doesn't offer. And also you are stuck with a monthly payment every single month, that just gets higher and higher. Unlike with WooCommerce, you actually have to pay them per month. with WooCommerce, you can basically get away with paying next to nothing around 99 cents a month for hosting, if you buy from a cheap host like hosting. Now just a heads up that if you do want to buy from hosting there, I'm actually offering a discount for their platform. So you can check that out with my link in the description.

But now let's get into the pros and cons for WooCommerce. One of the biggest benefits of WooCommerce is that it offers complete customization and control. You can basically do anything you want. And the plugins and themes which they offer are endless, because almost anyone can make one if they want to. And they certainly do. WooCommerce has so many features and customization abilities. And it's free to install on WordPress as well. It's also super simple to configure it on WordPress with a super simple step by step process.

Now the major con is that the learning curve is at some times a bit steeper than Shopify, because you are customizing everything yourself, you do pay a price for having that higher customization. And the price is that it's slightly more complex. You're also stuck managing everything from maintenance to backups. Of course with some hosting providers like hosting or which I recommended earlier, they cover and automate a lot of these things for you. But this is something to take into note if you decide to go with WooCommerce.

Overall, I would recommend Shopify if you want an all in one super simple option for e commerce and for your online store. But I would recommend WooCommerce if you want more customization or if you already have a WordPress website or if you don't mind a small bit of a learning curve but that is going to do it for today's video. So thanks for watching till next time and have a great day.

Affiliate link disclaimer: If you click the links in the description and get a hosting provider, we may receive a commission. With that said, we don’t let brands dictate our opinions - if we said it, that means it’s what we truly believe. Buying through our links will not cost you anything extra and as a matter of fact, may cost less due to discounts.

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