Idea To Launch - Starting a New Business

In this masterclass, you are going to learn how to turn your idea into a business. Mustafa Al-mosawi is a Head of Concept Lab at Namecheap. With the help of a team of talented UX, Technology, and Marketing, Mustafa has helped define and refine the process of brining new products to market at Namecheap. This includes research, conceptualisation, value proposition design, build, launch and post launch support.

Idea to Launch, the class for those looking to start a new business venture, or struggling to get their idea off the ground. Grounded in asking asking the 6 fundamental questions (Why, What, Who, How, Where, When), this class covers:
- how to identify opportunities for starting a new business;
- a simple evaluative framework to assess which idea to focus on;
- the importance of a well designed value proposition;
- the 3 core reasons for failing at a business;
- a phased approach to minimise the risk of common failures.

About Namecheap's Expert Summit 2020
how to launch an idea, idea to launch, how to turn your idea into business
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