Laxman Bhattarai: Your Next Website with WordPress

Laxman is a web designer, a developer, and also an entrepreneur. He has been working in the web development field since 2005 and has been gaining experience as a designer, developer, team leader, and project manager. He feels like he should start his own company that focuses on developing websites, mobile apps, and web-based applications. So, back in 2015, he registered his own company named “Genesis Web Technology”. He is now a full-time CEO at Genesis Web Technology, serving various fields like news, hotels, NGOs/INGOs, travel & tours, and much more.

Personally, he is a person who loves to travel, listen to music, and is always curious about new things (mostly regarding tech). He loves to share his knowledge.

Speaker Type: National

Topic: Your Next Website with WordPress

Topic Description:

WordPress is a very popular CMS for Websites because of so many features and benefits. His session will be covering the below topics.

– WordPress History and status

– Why WordPress for Developers and Non-Developer

– WordPress Key Features and Backend Overview

– Website Enhancement and Optimization

– WordPress – Final Opinion & Thoughts

Intended Audience: BeginnersPresentation Slides »
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