The are plenty of videos claiming to do a Hostinger review or a review of other web hosting providers. But all of the information is false or fake
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In this video I'll look into the darker side of the web hosting industry and showcase you how it's possible to fake a review without ever owning, testing or even understanding the product. Fake video reviews including Hostinger reviews are being faked so the reviewer could take advantage of affiliate comisions. Essential they're tricking users without providing any useful information, so knowing how to spot them is an excellent way to defend your interests as a buyer.
00:00 - Into
00:22 - Lies & Deception
01:40 - Stolen Footage
03:00 - Fake Performance Tests
05:55 - How They're Made
08:35 - Copying Videos
09:55 - What's The Point
11:25 - Why Should You Care?
13:55 - Evidence
16:50 - Where To Find Reviews
18:28 - Outro
When you're looking for web hosting reviews you probably only intend to buy 1 service. That means there's little to no reason for you to return to YouTube and watch more reviews later. This creates a huge opportunity for people to deceive you and sell you web hosting plans you don't need.
These are what I like to call fake reviews and this has gotten so bad that most review keywords on youtube like Hostinger review, Hostinger review 2021 or cheap web hosting are being FLOODED with them.
The way these fake review channels operate is they hire some freelance workers to write them a script, do the voice over and edit it all together. Problem is that people who are hired to write the script don't want to spend their own money to buy a Hostinger plan. So what happens is that the video is created without actually ever testing the product.
While it looks professional, all of the information presented is either outdated or faked alltogether. So in this video I want to educate you about this topic so you could learn to spot legitimate Hostinger or other provider reviews in the future.
I am affliated, but not sponsored by any hosting provider. This means I might make money when you purchase hosting services through the links provided and I might be able to offer discounts when available. All of my opinions on this channel are always mine!
#HostingerReview #FakeReviews #HostingerReview2021
► Hostinger 90% OFF ➜
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My TOP Recommended Web Hosting Companies
#1 - (Best Overall)
#2 - (Best Budget)
#3 - (Best VPS)
#4 - (Best Cheap Longterm)
In this video I'll look into the darker side of the web hosting industry and showcase you how it's possible to fake a review without ever owning, testing or even understanding the product. Fake video reviews including Hostinger reviews are being faked so the reviewer could take advantage of affiliate comisions. Essential they're tricking users without providing any useful information, so knowing how to spot them is an excellent way to defend your interests as a buyer.
00:00 - Into
00:22 - Lies & Deception
01:40 - Stolen Footage
03:00 - Fake Performance Tests
05:55 - How They're Made
08:35 - Copying Videos
09:55 - What's The Point
11:25 - Why Should You Care?
13:55 - Evidence
16:50 - Where To Find Reviews
18:28 - Outro
When you're looking for web hosting reviews you probably only intend to buy 1 service. That means there's little to no reason for you to return to YouTube and watch more reviews later. This creates a huge opportunity for people to deceive you and sell you web hosting plans you don't need.
These are what I like to call fake reviews and this has gotten so bad that most review keywords on youtube like Hostinger review, Hostinger review 2021 or cheap web hosting are being FLOODED with them.
The way these fake review channels operate is they hire some freelance workers to write them a script, do the voice over and edit it all together. Problem is that people who are hired to write the script don't want to spend their own money to buy a Hostinger plan. So what happens is that the video is created without actually ever testing the product.
While it looks professional, all of the information presented is either outdated or faked alltogether. So in this video I want to educate you about this topic so you could learn to spot legitimate Hostinger or other provider reviews in the future.
I am affliated, but not sponsored by any hosting provider. This means I might make money when you purchase hosting services through the links provided and I might be able to offer discounts when available. All of my opinions on this channel are always mine!
#HostingerReview #FakeReviews #HostingerReview2021
- Category
- Emit.Reviews
- Tags
- hostinger review, hostinger reviews, hostinger review 2021

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