ScalaHosting - Leading SSL Certificate Providers in 2020

ℹ️ Glance at the address bar of your browser, and you’ll see a padlock icon. You’ll also see that our website is loaded through the HTTPS protocol. This means that has a valid SSL certificate.

Security experts maintain that SSL certificates are essential to any online project, and indeed, although not everyone is listening, the use of these certificates has grown quite a bit over the last few years. It’s the easiest way to tell your website’s visitors that you care about the security of their data, and you must ensure that your website has one.

With so many providers out there, choosing the certificate that best suits your need could be difficult, though. Before we get to that, let’s see what an SSL certificate is and how it works.

Table of contents:

- What is SSL?
- How does an SSL certificate work?
- Why do we need SSL certificates?
- Self-signed certificates, DV, OV, and EV
- 2020’s leading SSL certificate providers
- What makes a good SSL purchase?
- Why we offer GeoTrust and Symantec certificates
- Conclusion

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ScalaHosting - Leading SSL Certificate Providers in 2020, ScalaHosting, SSL Certificate
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