2015 Joomla World Conference in Bangalore, India. November 6-8.
Sunday 10:00 - 10:45 - ARC Room
The development workflow of Git/Github for Beginners with Gunjan Patel
Joomla! is using successful branching model to maintain and keep stable and staging separate. My presentation is mainly focused on beginners. How joomla is working with git and github to track bugs and release. I will explain basic functionality of Git, it’s setup, basic git commands, explanation of commands.
Sunday 10:00 - 10:45 - ARC Room
The development workflow of Git/Github for Beginners with Gunjan Patel
Joomla! is using successful branching model to maintain and keep stable and staging separate. My presentation is mainly focused on beginners. How joomla is working with git and github to track bugs and release. I will explain basic functionality of Git, it’s setup, basic git commands, explanation of commands.

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