In this tutorial I'll go over 2 methods of how to transfer your website from one hosting company to another. The transfer process is really simple!
► Hostinger 90% OFF ➜
► SiteGround 50% OFF ➜
In this tutorial you'll learn how to transfer your website from one host to another completely free of charge. This can be done on absolutely any web hosting providers and you don't have to pay their technicians or contact them at all. By learning how to transfer your website from one host to another you'll never have to pay for a website migration service ever again.
Intro - 00:00
WordPress Website Transfer (Max 500MB size) - 0:20
Updating Name Servers - 3:20
Manual Website Migration (Unlimited Size) - 4:35
Using a WordPress Plugin (MAX Website size - 500MB)
► Plugin to Increase Transfer Size ➜
In other to transfer your website to another host you'll need to take these steps.
1. Open the WordPress dashboard of your old web hosting provider and install and activate a plugin called "All In 1 WP Migration".
2. Click on "All In 1 WP Migration" button and select the "Export" option from the menu.
3. Choose to export your website as "File" and save the zip file somewhere on your computer. These are all of your website files for a successful website migration.
4. Now, to transfer your website you'll need to install a clean WordPress version on the web hosting providers account you want to transfer your website to.
5. After WordPress is installed go into the control dashboard and install the All In 1 WP Migration plugin again.
6. This time from the menu choose "Import", if your website is larger than 64Mb you'll need to install the plugin extension I've linked above.
7. Upload the File you've downloaded earlier. And the plugin will transfer your website to another hosting provider automatically.
8. Now you'll need to update your Permalink Structure. Click "Update Permalink Structure" and choose “Post Name” then click save. Your website should be transferred at this point!
Manually Migrate Website (ANY SIZE)
1. Inside your OLD web hosting provider, navigate to the File Manager and compress all of the files there into a zip file. Then download the Zip file onto your computer.
2.Inside your OLD web hosting provider, navigate tothe PHPMyAdmin area and export all of the database files as an SQL file. Download the file onto your computer.
3. Inside your NEW Web hosting provider and install a fresh WordPress version.
4. Inside your NEW web hosting provider access the PHPMyAdmin area and remove all of the existing files. Replace them with the SQL file you've downloaded earlier.
5. Inside your NEW web hosting provider access the FIle Manager and delete all of the files there. Replace them by unpacking the zip file you've downloaded earlier.
6.Update the WP-Config files with the new prefix to merge the database and files of your new site.
So these are the 2 methods of how to transfer your website to another host. While the first method of website migration is easier, it's limited to maximum size of 500mb for your website. If you have a larger website than 500mb you'll have to use method 2 to successfully transfer your website.
I am affiliated, but not sponsored by any hosting provider. This means I might make money when you purchase hosting services through the links provided and I might be able to offer discounts when available. All of my opinions on this channel are always my own!
#websitetransfer #websitemigration #transferwebsite
► Hostinger 90% OFF ➜
► SiteGround 50% OFF ➜
In this tutorial you'll learn how to transfer your website from one host to another completely free of charge. This can be done on absolutely any web hosting providers and you don't have to pay their technicians or contact them at all. By learning how to transfer your website from one host to another you'll never have to pay for a website migration service ever again.
Intro - 00:00
WordPress Website Transfer (Max 500MB size) - 0:20
Updating Name Servers - 3:20
Manual Website Migration (Unlimited Size) - 4:35
Using a WordPress Plugin (MAX Website size - 500MB)
► Plugin to Increase Transfer Size ➜
In other to transfer your website to another host you'll need to take these steps.
1. Open the WordPress dashboard of your old web hosting provider and install and activate a plugin called "All In 1 WP Migration".
2. Click on "All In 1 WP Migration" button and select the "Export" option from the menu.
3. Choose to export your website as "File" and save the zip file somewhere on your computer. These are all of your website files for a successful website migration.
4. Now, to transfer your website you'll need to install a clean WordPress version on the web hosting providers account you want to transfer your website to.
5. After WordPress is installed go into the control dashboard and install the All In 1 WP Migration plugin again.
6. This time from the menu choose "Import", if your website is larger than 64Mb you'll need to install the plugin extension I've linked above.
7. Upload the File you've downloaded earlier. And the plugin will transfer your website to another hosting provider automatically.
8. Now you'll need to update your Permalink Structure. Click "Update Permalink Structure" and choose “Post Name” then click save. Your website should be transferred at this point!
Manually Migrate Website (ANY SIZE)
1. Inside your OLD web hosting provider, navigate to the File Manager and compress all of the files there into a zip file. Then download the Zip file onto your computer.
2.Inside your OLD web hosting provider, navigate tothe PHPMyAdmin area and export all of the database files as an SQL file. Download the file onto your computer.
3. Inside your NEW Web hosting provider and install a fresh WordPress version.
4. Inside your NEW web hosting provider access the PHPMyAdmin area and remove all of the existing files. Replace them with the SQL file you've downloaded earlier.
5. Inside your NEW web hosting provider access the FIle Manager and delete all of the files there. Replace them by unpacking the zip file you've downloaded earlier.
6.Update the WP-Config files with the new prefix to merge the database and files of your new site.
So these are the 2 methods of how to transfer your website to another host. While the first method of website migration is easier, it's limited to maximum size of 500mb for your website. If you have a larger website than 500mb you'll have to use method 2 to successfully transfer your website.
I am affiliated, but not sponsored by any hosting provider. This means I might make money when you purchase hosting services through the links provided and I might be able to offer discounts when available. All of my opinions on this channel are always my own!
#websitetransfer #websitemigration #transferwebsite

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