An Anthropologist, a WordPress Developer, and a Lawyer Walk into a Bar

This talk will explore communicating across aisles. Whether you need to speak to advanced developers, those just learning WordPress, or better understand how you communicate to those on your own skill level, this session is for you.

We will also consider the exciting elements that neurodivergent individuals bring to WordPress and how neurotypical individuals might better collaborate with and empower neurodivergent individuals.

Finally, we will discuss how a community of employers, coworkers, and friends can provide platforms of discussion and learning that invite those of different backgrounds into the field, in particular people of color. Let’s learn to get comfortable with talking about uncomfortable things.

In October 2021, Decker began work as a Project Manager in a digital marketing agency. While this was not her first exposure to WordPress, it was her full-time introduction to WordPress developers and clients.

It was also her first experience working in a mostly white, male-dominated company and field. Her previous positions, including within her own business, were situations where women in leadership and women of color were much more common.
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