Updating Contact Information for Your GoDaddy Domain

Learn how to update your domain name contact info on your GoDaddy website to receive important GoDaddy email updates and notifications.

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0:00 Updating your domain's contact info
0:35 Selecting all domains
1:15 Updating a domain with private registration

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We use your GoDaddy domain name contact info to keep you informed about any domain name related information. So it's super important to make sure it's current and accurate. I'm gonna show you how to access and edit your website domain name contact information.

I'm logged into my account on GoDaddy.com. To start, expand the menu and under quick links, select Manage Domains. I'm using the advanced list view on my domain names. To toggle list view between Simple and Advanced views, use the icons next to the search field on the upper right side of the screen. Check the box next to the website domain names you want to update. Or click the check mark icon at the top of the table to select all of your domains.

From the menu above your GoDaddy domain name list, select Ownership, then Update Contacts. Each contact type on your domain, registrant, administrative, technical and billing can be edited individually. Or you can edit them all at the same time.

To edit info for the individual contact types, just deselect the option for use for all contact types and then select the contact tab you'd like to update. Once you've made your updates, click Save.

Now let's look at a private domain with Private Registration on it. When you try to renew a private domain, you'll see this notice. To change the contact info on these domains on the my domains page, click directly on the website domain name for which you'd like to update contact information.

On the Domain Settings page, scroll down to the contact information area. Click Edit to access and edit your information. This page functions in the same manner as the previously shown domain contact information screen. If you wanna edit specific contact info, just deselect the option for use all contact types and then select the individual contact tab. While you're in here, it's a good idea to check on the email address being used for your private domain and if necessary, update that as well. Once you've made your updates, click Save.

Regardless of whether you're updating the contact information on a domain name with privacy or without it, you're going to receive GoDaddy emails verifying that these changes are valid. This is a fraud prevention measure. So, you're going to have to give your approval in order for your changes to take effect. Also keep in mind that it can take up to 48 hours for your new contact information to display in the WHOIS database.

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