Ways to Improve Your Product Pages You Might Not Have Tried Yet - HostGator Hosted

When we are talking eCommerce websites, the product pages, and product page design might just be the most integral part. Nobody is going to want to purchase your product if you do not show it off on the site.

In this video, Scott, and our UX expert Brian, will take you through the magical world of User Experience Design, and Product Pages, and just what might you be able to do to take your site to the next level of eCommerce goodness.

In this video Scott will cover:
00:00 - Intro
00:40 - Reduce Distractions
01:18 - Use High-Quality Images
02:01 - Offer Recommendations
02:38 - Mobile Habits
03:16 - Follow Industry Standards

Reduce Distractions:
Attention spans have been getting shorter and shorter every year, and that goes double for the internet. Make sure that your products are the standout part of your site that is drawing potential customers' attention.

Use High-Quality Images:
People need to see what they are buying, and studies show that the more appealing the product photo is, the more likely that product is to be bought.

Offer Recommendations:
What brought someone to your site may not be something they are interested in purchasing, but did catch their eye. Recommendations help get other products in front of a visitor that may be more their style or speed.

Mobile Habits:
When building any product page, or website these days, you need to take the mobile experience into consideration. Mobile users account for a growing majority of page visits, and if they can't make heads or tails of your ecommerce site, they are going to have a bad time.

Following Industry Standards:
This one is important as the User Experience Industry is a huge one. When you have that many minds one the same problem, they tend to come up with some pretty awesome solutions. Look to the pros when it comes to UX, and one day you could be the next UX Innovator.

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