Vision Creative's Camron talks about web hosting support with 100% Uptime for Design Agency


I own a company called Vision Creative and since 1995 we've been designing and developing marketing communication materials. Everything from identities all the way now through website full design and development.

We moved all of our sites to Liquid Web a few years ago. It was as a result of some failures in sites that went down. Data that was lost, email that was lost and we really just realized at that point that we needed to be in a much larger facility. Our facility needed to be better managed or had more technical people on staff, that understood the dynamics behind the hosting, and wasn't a company also selling bandwidth and programming and all that stuff at the same time.

Recently as much as a couple weeks ago my client accidentally deleted their own website essentially and we had a backup of the website. We didn't have any information in terms of the the mail that was hosted on the server and we were able to rely on you guys to dig back through the backup files and pull off the mail that was still being stored, at that point.

Anytime we used your heroic support, we're always impressed by it in that we love the way that everything is always tracked in from the initial request through the final completion.

I think that regardless of how much time we put into our websites up front whether it's one month of development or 18 months of development or in some cases five or six years of ongoing development, the second that those sites are unavailable it's like all of the good stuff happen in those years or months of experience is completely irrelevant. Much like the old adage that a business with no sign is a sign of no business. People are finally starting to realize, our clients especially that their hosting is like a utility. They can't operate their business without electricity in their office or without water being in their building. They can't run their business without their website being online and we know about it instantaneously.

The value that Liquid Web brings Vision Creative on a day-to-day basis is priceless. We rely on vendors every day to produce the kind of quality products that we do. We know that there's somebody literally walking around our server every day. If something were to happen within minutes we can get a hold of somebody to get it resolved instantaneously. We depend on real people behind us that are in the same environment from the same culture and understand the same urgencies that we understand every single day.
Liquid Web
100 percent uptime, web hosting support
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