Support for the new Recaptcha (also called as the No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA) means a faster and hassle free form filling experience for end users of Joomla sites without any compromise on spam protection for admins.
Proving you are not a robot will be as easy as ticking a checkbox for majority of users now !
Download Joomla!
Joomla is one of the worlds most popular CMS platforms
Joomla holds a unique place in the Open Source community being the only non-corporate backed, community driven CMS platform in the world.
Joomla also implements modern programming standards using Object Oriented Programming and wrapping things up with a strong MVC design pattern.
Proving you are not a robot will be as easy as ticking a checkbox for majority of users now !
Download Joomla!
Joomla is one of the worlds most popular CMS platforms
Joomla holds a unique place in the Open Source community being the only non-corporate backed, community driven CMS platform in the world.
Joomla also implements modern programming standards using Object Oriented Programming and wrapping things up with a strong MVC design pattern.

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