How to Drop a Database in phpMyAdmin

In this video we will show you how to drop a database within the phpMyadmin tool.

If you have an existing database, but need to re-import it, for instance you may be restoring a backup. You will need to remove all the tables of the database so you can import the database.

First, log into the cPanel like I have done here.

Next, locate the Databases category and click on the phpMyAdmin icon.

Once on the phpMyAdmin page, click on the database you want to work with from the left hand sidebar.

The tables list for that database will appear in the right hand panel.

Locate the “Check All” checkbox under the table list and click it.

Select “DROP” from the dropdown list to the right.

You will be asked to confirm you want to drop the table. Click OK to continue.

The screen will refresh and you will now see that the tables have been removed.

Note that this does NOT delete the database from the cPanel, it simply DROPS all tables in the database.

Instructions on deleting a database from your cPanel are for another video.

That is how you DROP an entire database within the phpMyAdmin tool in cPanel.

Read more in our full guide:

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PhpMyAdmin (Software), Database (Software Genre), cPanel
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