Programmatic SEO in WordPress – How I Got Success Skyhigh

SEO & Programmatic SEO: What is programmatic SEO? What is the difference in regular SEO and Programmatic SEO?

Pillars of Programmatic SEO: There’re three pillars for the Programmatic SEO. These are the basement for the SEO strategy that will be implemented with an unique approach.

Steps to Implement Programmatic SEO Strategy:

There’re 5 steps to implement a successful programmatic SEO strategy. With these five steps it will be explained that how to get success with actionable tips and tricks for each of the steps.

Niche and Competitor Research (it’s not for every business, so it’s crucial that one identifies the right niche and right competition)

Identify the modifiers and head terms (It belongs to the keyword that will be separated while applying the SEO strategy)

Picking of long-tail keywords (Keyword picking is another crucial aspect as not all types of keyword will work here)

Create appropriate landing page (Here is the place that requires coding. But as a non-coder, it is possible to get the desired result, thanks to WordPress)

Optimization for Better UX (A better UX will drive revenue more than what w can imagine, putting time and effort in here always worth it)Presentation Slides »
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2024, Nepal (नेपाल), WordCampTV
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